B.S., University of Puerto Rico at Bayamón
Academic Program
Ph.D. Cellular and Molecular Biology
Microglia Activate Migration of Glioma Cells through a Pyk2 Intracellular Pathway. Rolon-Reyes K, Kucheryavykh YV, Cubano LA, Inyushin M, Skatchkov SN, Eaton MJ, Harrison JK, Kucheryavykh LY. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 22;10(6):e0131059. PMID: 26098895
Glioblastoma development in mouse brain: general reduction of OCTs and mislocalization of OCT3 transporter and subsequent uptake of ASP+ substrate to the nuclei. Kucheryavykh LY, Rolon-Reyes K, Kucheryavykh YV, Skatchkov S, Eaton MJ, Sanabria P, Wessinger WD, Inyushin M. J Neurosci Neuroeng. 2014 Feb;3(1):3-9. PMID: 25165637 PMCID: 4143131.
Visualization of Implanted GL261 Glioma Cells in Living Mouse Brain Slices Using Fluorescent 4-(4-(dimethylamino)-styril)-N-methylpyridinium iodide (ASP+). Kucheryavykh LY, Kucheryavykh YV, Rolón-Reyes K, Skatchkov SN, Eaton MJ, Cubano LA, Inyushin M. Biotechniques. 2012 Nov; 53(5):305-9. PMID: 23570046
Rolón-Reyes K, Cubano LA, Quiñones-Hinojosa A, Kucheryavykh L. Combined therapy of temozolomide and PF-562271, a PYK2 Inhibitor, reduces glioma tumor growth and dispersal compare to temozolomide monotherapy. AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference. Boston, MA (November 2015)
Rolón-Reyes K, Cubano LA, Quiñones-Hinojosa A, Kucheryavykhk L. Combined therapy of temozolomide and PF-562271, a PYK2 Inhibitor, reduces glioma tumor growth and dispersal compare to temozolomide monotherapy. SPINES Symposium. Chicago, IL (October 2015)
Rolón-Reyes K, Kucheryavykh YV, Cubano LA, Inyushin M, Skatchkov SN, Eaton MJ, Harrison JK, Kucheryayvkh LY. Microglia promote glioma cell migration and invasion through a Pyk2. Johns Hopkins University. (April 2015)
Kucheryavykh LY, Rolón-Reyes K, Kucheryavykh YV, Skatchkov S, Eaton MJ, Sanabria P, Wessinger WD, Inyushin M. Organic cation Transporters during glioma development in the brain. PR American Physiological Society Meeting. San Juan, PR (February 2015).
Rolón-Reyes K, Kucheryavykh YV, Cubano LA, Inyushin M, Skatchkov SN, Eaton MJ, Harrison JK, Kucheryayvkh LY. Microglia promote glioma cell migration and invasion through a Pyk2 intracellular pathway. 4th CaribeGLIA Symposium. Bayamon, PR (January 2015)
*2013 – 2nd Place Oral Presentation – 1st Puerto Rico Cell Signaling Meeting.
Travel Awards:
*Oct 2015 – 2015 AACR Minority Scholar in Cancer Research Award – AACR NCI-EORTC Conference.
*Oct 2015 – SPINES Symposium Travel Award – SPINES Neuroscience Symposium