B.S., University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Academic Program
Ph.D. Neuroscience
Ferrer-Acosta Y, González-Vega MN, Rivera-Aponte DE, Martínez-Jiménez SM, Martins AH. Monitoring Astrocyte Reactivity and Proliferation in Vitro Under Ischemic-Like Conditions. J Vis. Exp. 2017 Oct 21;(128). doi: 10.3791/55108. PMID: 29155711
Martínez S, González Vega MN, Martins AH. Neuroprotective effect of a single injection of losartan in male and female rats subjected to ischemic stroke. 2017 Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Washington, DC (November 2017)
Martinez S, Gonzalez M, De-Mello W, Martins A. Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade ameliorates inflammatory stress: a possible beneficial effect for stroke treatment. 4th PR Cell Signaling Meeting. Ponce, PR (March 2017)
Martinez S, Gonzalez M, De-Mello W, Martins AH. Losartan Reduces Infarct Damage and Decreases Blood Brain Barrier Permeability after Transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion. 25th Puerto Rico Neuroscience Conference. San Juan, PR (December 2016)
Martinez S, Gonzalez M, Martins AH. Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade ameliorates inflammatory stress: a possible beneficial effect for stroke treatment. 3rd Puerto Rico Cell Signaling Meeting. Bayamón, PR (April 2016)
Martinez S. Angiotensin II Type 2 receptor stimulation initiated after stroke causes neuroprotection in Conscious rats. SNRP Research Seminar. Bayamon, PR (October 2015)